Sell Mineral Rights
13th April 2011
A Good Choice Investing in Mineral Rights
Even in the worst of times, some investors manage to turn a profit, and so it can be inspiring to be reminded that careful and clever management of one’s assets can yield great returns.
It is no secret that in the last year investors who have more diverse portfolios which include alternative investments have fared better than those invested solely in the stock market, but you may be surprised at just how well some investors have fared and how they did it. Janice Stoddard can give you one example. Read more »
5th April 2011
Mineral Rights Information
Minerals rights in an oil and gas lease differ from surface rights. A landowner may own the surface land but not the mineral rights of that land. The owner of the land should check on whether he/she has ownership of mineral rights or title on the land.
One of the places to check on real ownership is through an independent landman or a bank. The landowner can also use an abstract company. Whoever is the one contacted to perform a mineral title is then empowered to obtain an ownership report or mineral takeoff. Read more »
23rd March 2011
Investing in Mineral Rights Information
In most countries of the world all mineral resources belong to the government. This includes all valuable rocks, minerals, oil or gas found on or within the Earth. Organizations or individuals in those countries cannot legally extract and sell any mineral commodity without first obtaining an authorization from the government. Read more »
17th March 2011
Investing in Mineral Rights
Why invest in mineral rights. Because mineral rights in and off themselves can be of value regardless if wells have been drilled on the land. Non producing mineral rights can appreciate significantly as operators move into the area and the prospects of obtaining royalty income for the mineral rights improve. Further royalty income can increase as operators drill more wells on a given piece of land. Read more »
- February 2011 (12)
- March 2011 (13)